Sunday, June 3, 2012

Bubble Fun

This is Naya's current favorite thing to do!  I have just been filling up the kitchen sink with warm water and a bit of dish soap and then throwing in some toys.  Her favorite toys are cups and spoons, etc.  She likes to pour water from one cup to another.  Yesterday I put in some medicine dispensers and she had a good time with those too.  She didn't really pay any attention to regular bath toys like her rubber ducky though. 

Some times my daughter has issues with sensory play (she doesn't like to be wet, dirty, etc) and at first she kept wanting to turn on the water to rinse the bubbles off her hands and arms.  I eventually just gave her a dish towel to wipe on to conserve water.  In the end, she got used to the bubbles on her hands and mostly forgot about wiping them off.  As soon as we were done though, she ran upstairs to change out of her wet clothes! 

This did make a little bit of a mess in the floor, so it may be helpful to put a towel in the floor to soak up any spills.  Wet floors and tiny feet don't mix!

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