Thursday, February 11, 2010

FINALLY! A Routine!

It has been great to finally get little Nayeli into a routine that is working. She is finally going to bed and waking up around the same time every day. She may take cat naps, but at least they are at the same time every day. I feel so much better and in the groove of things now.

Basically all I did to accomplish this was watch for her normal patterns and then tweak them a little bit. She had been taking a nap every morning 1.5 to 2 hours after she woke up and now I help her wait every morning until around 11am for that first nap. Then another around 2pm and the last one around 5pm. At first she was really fussy and had a hard time skipping her first nap that she would take around 9:30 or 10am but now she is much happier and falls asleep every night around 9pm and wakes up around 8am. The best part?? No more nap time fights! She falls right to sleep without crying! AMAZING! Plus if she wakes up after I put her to sleep for the night she will pretty much fall back to sleep on her own. I am so impressed with my 4 month old. In all she is probably sleeping around 12 - 13 hours a day at this point.

There is one controversial thing about her sleeping and that is co-sleeping. This is something that has really worked for us even though I know a lot of people frown on it because of SIDS. Right now we have two full sized beds in our room: one for me and Nayeli and one for her daddy. Don't worry... he likes it better too because he doesn't have to worry about my sucia feet being in his clean bed, lol. He is the one that moves around a lot at night where as I pretty much wake up in the position I fell asleep in so it works out safer too which was the most important thing. My little girl is just one of those babies that really needs to be close to her mommy pretty much all the time. She is always most content in my arms while I just walk around. My mom and dad would call her spoiled, but I know that she is just a high needs baby and that I am just going to cherish these times now before the day comes that she does not want to be held any more. So anyways, for me and my family, co-sleeping has been the best thing for my baby to sleep through the night and ensure a good nights sleep for all. 

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